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PostgreSQL 9.5的RLS用法请参照
EnterpriseDB的RLS用法略有差别,因为EDB主要为Oracle兼容性做了很多适配,用法和Oracle的VPD用法相似,调用DBMS_RLS.add_policy来实现RLS。 详细的用法参照: 例子:postgres=> create table test(id int, info text, rol name);
创建一个策略,只允许用户操作(select,update,delete,insert) rol=当前用户名的记录。
首先要创建一个函数,函数的参数类型和返回值类型必须使用这种格式。 代表行安全策略要在哪个schema.object对象上应用,以及应用时添加的条件。 函数返回值就是添加的条件。 例如'rol='||current_user这个会作为附加条件,判断记录是否匹配这个条件。postgres=> create or replace function f(p_schema text, p_obj text) returns text as $$ declare begin return 'rol=$_$'||current_user||'$_$'; end; $$ language plpgsql; CREATE FUNCTION
postgres=> select dbms_rls.add_policy (object_schema => 'public'::text ,object_name => 'test'::text ,policy_name => 'policy1'::text ,function_schema => 'public'::text ,STATEMENT_TYPES => 'SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE'::text ,POLICY_FUNCTION => 'f'::text, update_check=>'true'); rds_add_policy ---------------- (1 row)
postgres=> select current_user; current_user -------------- digoal (1 row)
postgres=> insert into test values (1,'test','digoal'); INSERT 16426 1 postgres=> insert into test values (1,'test','A'); ERROR: policy with check option violation DETAIL: Policy predicate was evaluated to FALSE with the updated values
postgres=> insert into test values (1,'test','a'); ERROR: policy with check option violation DETAIL: Policy predicate was evaluated to FALSE with the updated values postgres=> insert into test values (1,'test','test'); INSERT 16428 1 postgres=> select current_user; current_user -------------- test (1 row) postgres=> update test set id=1; UPDATE 1 postgres=> update test set id=1 returning *; id | info | rol ----+------+------ 1 | test | test (1 row) UPDATE 1
postgres=# select * from dba_policies ; object_owner | schema_name | object_name | policy_group | policy_name | pf_owner | package | function | sel | ins | upd | del | idx | chk_option | enable | static_policy | policy_type | long_predicate --------------+-------------+-------------+--------------+--------------------+----------+---------+----------+-----+-----+-----+-----+-----+------------+--------+---------------+-------------+---------------- digoal | public | test | | policy1 | public | | f | YES | YES | YES | YES | NO | YES | YES | NO | UNKNOWN | YES
postgres=# select dbms_rls.enable_policy('public','test','policy1',false); -- 禁用 postgres=# select dbms_rls.enable_policy('public','test','policy1',true); -- 生效
postgres=# select dbms_rls.drop_policy('public','test','policy1'); -[ RECORD 1 ]- drop_policy |
如果要让EDB的策略有针对性,可以在函数中加上角色判断,对不同的角色使用不同的返回值来控制策略的多样性。 例如switch current_user when 'digoal' then return '.....'; when '..' then return '...'; 等。
静态策略指会话中第一次触发策略时,编译成静态的,以后直接使用内存中缓存的策略。 动态策略指每次都重新调用。例如使用current_user这种变量作为return值中的一部分,就需要使用动态策略。权限问题:
dbms_rls包需要超级用户才能执行,如果需要给普通用户执行权限,可以通过封装,或者将函数的执行权限给普通用户。 例如:create or replace function your_add_policy(object_schema text DEFAULT NULL::text, object_name text, policy_name text, function_schema text DEFAULT NULL::text, policy_function text, statement_types text DEFAULT 'insert,update,delete,select'::text, update_check boolean DEFAULT false, enable boolean DEFAULT true, static_policy boolean DEFAULT false, policy_type integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, long_predicate boolean DEFAULT false, sec_relevant_cols text DEFAULT NULL::text, sec_relevant_cols_opt integer DEFAULT NULL::integer) returns void as $$ declare begin perform dbms_rls.add_policy(object_schema , object_name , policy_name , function_schema , policy_function , statement_types , update_check , enable , static_policy , policy_type , long_predicate , sec_relevant_cols , sec_relevant_cols_opt); end; $$ language plpgsql; grant execute on function your_add_policy( text , text, text, text , text, text , boolean , boolean , boolean , integer , boolean , text , integer ) to public;
对超级用户创建的表,普通用户也能通过add_policy来控制安全策略,这个控制结果有点越权的感觉。 例如用户创建一个函数如下:create or replace function f2(name,name) returns text as $$ declare begin return 'false'; end; $$ language plpgsql;
在封装函数中过滤需要过滤的表,对这些表不允许创建policy:create or replace function your_add_policy(object_schema text DEFAULT NULL::text, object_name text, policy_name text, function_schema text DEFAULT NULL::text, policy_function text, statement_types text DEFAULT 'insert,update,delete,select'::text, update_check boolean DEFAULT false, enable boolean DEFAULT true, static_policy boolean DEFAULT false, policy_type integer DEFAULT NULL::integer, long_predicate boolean DEFAULT false, sec_relevant_cols text DEFAULT NULL::text, sec_relevant_cols_opt integer DEFAULT NULL::integer) returns void as $$ declarefilter_name text[];beginfilter_name = array['public.tbl1']; -- 过滤这个表perform 1 where object_schema||'.'||object_name = any(filter_name);if not found thenperform dbms_rls.add_policy(object_schema , object_name , policy_name , function_schema , policy_function , statement_types , update_check , enable , static_policy , policy_type , long_predicate , sec_relevant_cols , sec_relevant_cols_opt);end if;end;$$ language plpgsql security definer;grant execute on function your_add_policy( text , text, text, text , text, text , boolean , boolean , boolean , integer , boolean , text , integer ) to public;